
What are possible signs of drunk driving?

On Behalf of | Aug 13, 2024 | OVI Defense

An OVI (operating a vehicle under the Influence) conviction in Ohio can have harsh consequences. You could face jail time, hefty fines and a suspended driver’s license.

This can affect your employment, housing, education and reputation. To protect yourself if officers stop you, remain calm and follow their instructions. Knowing what officers look for can help you understand the situation better.

Common OVI signs officers try to spot

Arrests for OVI, also known as DUI (driving under the Influence), can occur when officers see possible signs of drunk or drugged driving. They often pull over drivers near bars or places that serve alcohol, especially on weekends and after dark.

Here are some common signs:

  • Erratic driving, such as swerving, speeding or inconsistent driving patterns
  • Red, glassy, bloodshot or glazed eyes
  • Slurred speech, or halting speech patterns with repeated words or phrases
  • A driver’s mental confusion over the time and place
  • Distinct scent of drugs or alcohol from the driver or car
  • A driver’s nervous behavior, such as sweating, shaking or fumbling with documents
  • Unsteady walking, stumbling or leaning on the car

If the officer detects any of these signs, comply with their requests to avoid escalating the situation.

What should I do if I’m stopped?

Here are some other dos and don’ts if you are pulled over for a possible OVI:


  • Signal and pull over safely
  • Comply with police orders, put the car in park and turn off the radio
  • Identify yourself, giving the officer your name, date of birth and social security number
  • Let the officer know if have a firearm or concealed weapon
  • Politely inform the officer that you’re invoking your right to remain silent


  • Offer information on where you’ve been or where you’re going
  • Reach where the officer can’t see your hands without their permission
  • Give permission for officers to search your vehicle
  • Be rude or disrespectful to officers
  • Take any field sobriety, roadside breath, or any blood, breath or urine tests without consulting with an OVI lawyer first

Refusing breath, blood or urine tests can result in an immediate suspension of your driver’s license under Ohio’s implied consent law. However, your attorney can ask that driving privileges be reinstated.

An experienced OVI defense lawyer will aggressively protect your rights and fight for the best possible outcome, whether getting charges dropped, reduced or minimizing penalties.
