
Verdict or settlement: what’s the difference?

On Behalf of | Aug 13, 2024 | Personal Injury

If you are involved in a personal injury case, you may encounter all sorts of legal terms that you do not understand. However, knowing many of these is essential because they can affect the outcome of your case.

For example, consider the differences between a verdict and a settlement in a personal injury case.


A verdict is when a judge or jury decides a trial. This happens in court after both parties present their arguments and supporting evidence. In the case of a jury, for example, the individuals who make up the jury will deliberate for some time to conclude whether the accused individual or entity is liable and what damages are appropriate.


On the other hand, a settlement is when both parties come together at any time before a trial and agree to solve the dispute between them. It often happens close to when a trial is supposed to begin, but it can happen even without filing a lawsuit.

In a settlement, the parties typically agree to compensation in exchange for dropping the lawsuit or not filing it at all.

This type of agreement usually happens after the parties discuss the issues and what is likely to occur in court. It is also used to negotiate to avoid the possible uncertainties associated with going to court for a trial, which can be a doubt-filled and expensive process.

The difference between a verdict and a settlement lies in the process and the outcome. A verdict is when the court decides, whereas a settlement is an agreement between the parties involved.
