
Auto Insurers Providing Relief to Customers During Covid-19

On Behalf of | Jun 2, 2020 | Car Accidents

Some of the largest auto insurance carriers, including State Farm, Geico, & Allstate are doing what would have previously been unthinkable……giving money back to their insureds. Given the lockdowns during Coivd-19, there are fewer vehicles on the road, resulting in fewer accident claims. As such, in a show of goodwill, these carriers are passing on their savings by refunding customers a percentage of their premiums. Carriers know that competition for customers can be fierce, and hope this show of good faith will help keep their insureds with them long haul.

While these measurers are appropriate and great to see, auto accidents are still occurring every day. Protect yourself by driving safely and carrying adequate insurance coverage, including uninsured and underinsured motorists provisions. If you are hurt on the road, call us at M&J to ensure your rights are protected.

Read the full story here.
