
Shielding One’s Rights by Knowing How Far a Debt Collector Can Go

On Behalf of | Dec 23, 2019 | Debt Collection

There are a variety of ways in which dealing with the trials of monetary strain could prove a stressful and daunting process. Many individuals in Ohio may feel that one of the most imposing aspects of such struggles involves having to deal with debt collection agencies. While receiving frequent calls and letters can be intimidating enough as is, the average person might not always be aware of how to know if the steps a debt collector is taking fall outside the lines of acceptable behavior and cross into the realm of harassment.

So, how does one know how far a debt collector can go to seek repayment on past due accounts? Those facing a similar scenario may find it helpful to know that there are rules in place that govern the steps agencies can take to collect on debts. Understanding these rules could prove a vital step to being prepare to protect one’s legal rights when faced with the possibility of creditor harassment.

Individuals who receive constant collection calls may also find it helpful to become familiar with the types of behavior that are acceptable and how to know when they are being subjected to harassment. For instance, collection agencies are prohibited from using threatening tones or profane language when speaking with debtors. In addition, collectors cannot provide false information or use threats of legal action in an attempt to persuade debtors to make a payment.

Dealing with debt collector harassment can be a stressful experience that may only act to make an already difficult process even more intimidating. Those who encounter such behavior and wish to know more about how best to approach the situation could choose to consult with a bankruptcy attorney for guidance. An attorney in Ohio can work toward protecting a client’s legal rights and provide him or her with advice on all the available options to help seek relief from the hardships of financial strain.
