
Pursuing Relief From Medical Debt Through Bankruptcy

On Behalf of | May 17, 2019 | Bankruptcy

While many individuals in Ohio and across the nation may wish to maintain financial stability at all costs, some forms of debt could prove difficult to avoid at times. For instance, a medical emergency can take place at any given moment and the financial ramifications of a trip to the hospital can be extensive. Those who suffer under the weight of medical debt may feel forced into borrowing money to pay their bills or they could choose to seek relief from their debts by filing for bankruptcy.

Recent reports indicate that medical bills are the leading source of debt among families across the nation. According to reports, nearly one out of every eight patients over the past year was forced to borrow money to pay medical bills. This study also indicates that around 25% of those surveyed admitted that their medical expenses prompted a need to cut down on expenses.

Reports also indicated that concerns over the financial toll of seeking medical care caused more than 65 million Americans to avoid seeking treatment. These studies suggest that almost half of all Americans fear that the onset of a medical condition could leave them facing dire financial straits. Those who face monetary challenges due to extensive medical expenses may find comfort in knowing relief is available, but they might not be certain where to turn for assistance in choosing a path.

High levels of medical debt can have a devastating impact on a person’s life. Those who struggle to make ends meet due to similar forms of debt could benefit from consulting with an attorney for guidance in understanding all their available options. A bankruptcy attorney can examine the circumstances a client in Ohio is facing and assist in forming a strategy to reduce or eliminate his or her debts through the proper channels.
