Many individuals in Ohio and elsewhere have experienced the stress of dealing with the burdens of debt. Overwhelming monetary obligations can be challenging enough on their own, and constant collection attempts may do little to ease the situation. Those who face similar circumstances could benefit from knowing what actions a debt collector can take, as well as the actions that may be prohibited.
Individuals who are constantly dealing with debt collectors might find it beneficial to understand their rights, as there are rules and regulations that govern a creditor’s actions. While some may have concerns about facing a lawsuit in relation to his or her debts, there is a statue of limitations that dictates how long a creditor has to file a claim. This period begins after the last payment was made on the debt, but it can be reset should an individual admit to responsibility of the debt or make another payment.
One may also find it advisable to request written documentation outlining the details of the debt, which could help prevent an individual from being the victim of a scam. There is also a limit as to how many times a collector can call a debtor each day, and rules that prohibit calls between certain hours. A person may also be able to stop the calls completely by sending in a written request to cease contact.
Understanding one’s rights concerning communications with a debt collector can relieve a great deal of stress, but it may not absolve him or her of any debts owed. When facing a similar situation, a person could speak with an experienced bankruptcy attorney for advice on making informed decisions regarding his or her financial future. An attorney in Ohio can address a client’s situation and provide advice on how to pursue relief from debts through the necessary channels.
Source: ABC News, “10 things anyone dealing with a debt collector should know“, Jeanine Skowronski, Accessed on Oct. 20, 2017