Utility Shut-Off Protection Lawyers In Ohio And Kentucky
As your financial problems deepen, you may be spending a lot of time deciding which bills to pay and which bills to put off paying. You may have put off paying your utility bills for some time; now you may be threatened with the prospect of losing these services altogether. If your utilities have been shut off, or if they are about to be shut off, bankruptcy may provide an immediate solution. The right lawyer can be instrumental in achieving your goals. With offices in Cincinnati, Eastgate and Fairfield, the attorneys of Minnillo Law Group Co., LPA, can help you take decisive action.
If you are facing collections actions from utility companies, call 513-723-1600 for a free consultation to learn if bankruptcy can help you keep the lights on and heat flowing.
Helping Businesses And Individuals Avoid Interruption Of Electricity And Other Services
When you file for bankruptcy, the automatic stay commences. The automatic stay prevents your creditors from taking further action against you. Therefore, if your company has not turned off your service, bankruptcy will prevent it from doing so. Further, these bills are unsecured debts, which mean they will be discharged in bankruptcy. The automatic stay also will put a stop to garnishment, foreclosure, repossession, lawsuits or other collection actions.
The utility companies are not totally without recourse. In order to maintain service or turn service back on, they have the right to receive a deposit. The inability to pay utility bills is usually a symptom of severe underlying financial problems. Bankruptcy can represent a way to achieve lasting debt relief.
Let Us Help You Keep The Lights On In Southwest Ohio And Northern Kentucky
We offer a free initial consultation to discuss whether bankruptcy is right for you. Call us at 513-723-1600 or send us a brief message online. We have convenient locations in Cincinnati, Fairfield and Eastgate. Weekend and evening appointments are available.
We are a law firm and a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.
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