
The Biggest Benefits of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

On Behalf of | Mar 23, 2018 | Bankruptcy

Are you drowning in debt and worried that there is no way out? Have you come to realize that you need to get serious about improving your financial situation in the near future?

You don’t want to jump the gun and make any rash decisions, but you do need to learn more about all your options for improving your financial situation. For example, credit counseling may be one of the better ways to get your finances back on track. Along with this, there are many benefits of debt consolidation, including the ability to save money on the amount of interest you pay.

If you’ve considered everything and still find yourself in a difficult spot, it may be time to learn more about filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. You can then determine whether or not it makes sense for your situation.

Here are some benefits to Chapter 7 bankruptcy:

  • A fresh start. The primary benefit of filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the ability to start fresh, as many types of debt can be discharged.
  • No limitation on how much debt you can have. With Chapter 13, you only qualify if your debt doesn’t exceed a particular threshold. With Chapter 7, there is no threshold in place.
  • No repayment plan to worry about. For many people, the biggest issue with Chapter 13 is the requirement to use a repayment plan to pay back debt in the future. This means you don’t get to keep all your income. Chapter 7 bankruptcy doesn’t require this.
  • It’s fast. You’ve been bogged down by your finances for too long, so taking fast action is important to you. Your Chapter 7 bankruptcy can come to a close within a few months, thus putting you in a better position sooner than you ever thought possible.

It takes some time to understand Chapter 7 bankruptcy, including the benefits and the process. However, once you understand what it entails, you can make the right decision for you and your financial future.
