For many individuals in Ohio and elsewhere, the process of struggling through extended periods of monetary troubles is stressful enough on its own. However, while a person may be unable to keep up with financial obligations, this might not stop a debt collector from sending letters and calling multiple times a day. While creditors may have a right to perform certain actions in the pursuit of payment, there is a line that cannot be crossed, and individuals who experience creditor harassment might be uncertain how to protect themselves against it.
According to a recent survey, around one out of every four individuals who have dealt with a debt collector in recent years has felt threatened by the encounter. While there are regulations in place that prevent collectors from taking certain actions, studies suggest that some fail to follow the rules. Creditor harassment is a serious issue, and according to these studies, it is a common occurrence.
These regulations also state that a debt collector may only attempt to contact a person by phone a certain number of times per day and only between specific hours. Debt collectors are also obligated to cease communication once an official request is submitted, but nearly 75 percent of those surveyed say this did little to stop a collector from calling. Individuals who experience such treatment may wish to protect themselves, but they might be uncertain how best to approach the situation.
When subjected to harassment by a debt collector, a person could find it beneficial to gain an understanding of his or her legal rights. Since this might not be common knowledge, one could consult with a bankruptcy attorney for guidance on how to protect against unlawful treatment. An attorney in Ohio can work toward protecting a client’s legal rights and provide guidance on the available options with which to pursue relief from debts.
Source: Time, “How Often Do Debt Collectors Harass People? It’s Shockingly Common”, Megan Leonhardt, Accessed on March 15, 2018