Over 25 Years Of Experience

Getting Relief From Overwhelming Credit Card Debt

When illness or job loss leads to the inability to make timely credit card debt payments, how can you halt creditor harassment? When overwhelming debt leads to missed payments, increased minimum payments and increased interest rates, who can help you regain your financial footing and even work to have your debt substantially or fully discharged?

At the Cincinnati, Ohio, bankruptcy law firm of Minnillo Law Group Co., LPA, we have provided debt relief and consumer bankruptcy legal services in the greater Cincinnati area for more than 20 years. We have helped thousands of clients resolve credit card debt issues by filing for bankruptcy. If you have excessive credit card debt and need to have it eliminated or reduced to a manageable level, we can help.

Do you owe thousands of dollars to credit card companies? Have you missed payments or are you facing unaffordable minimum payments and/or increased interest rates? Contact the attorney team of the law firm of Minnillo Law Group Co., LPA, for experienced help. Call 513-723-1600.

Understanding Bankruptcy Versus Debt Consolidation Or Forgiveness

There are debt consolidation and forgiveness companies that claim they may be able to negotiate customers’ debt down effectively or to compel credit card companies to lower interest rates or debt balances. The truth is that these companies are often powerless to provide customers with meaningful debt reduction, and there are many scams by “debt consolidators” that prey on financially vulnerable individuals with false promises of debt relief. Bankruptcy law can be used by experienced lawyers to effectively eliminate your debt or lower your payments to your creditors. Debt consolidators and settlement companies cannot force your creditors to do anything.

Through Chapter 7 bankruptcy, credit card debt can be eliminated for no payment or paid off at a small fraction of current debt balances following the sale of nonexempt property. And through Chapter 13 bankruptcy, small payments and earlier pay-off dates can be arranged through a court-approved repayment plan. For more information about excessive credit card debt and your bankruptcy rights and options, contact our offices.

Learn How To Eliminate Credit Card Debt Through Bankruptcy

For effective bankruptcy legal help and considerate, responsive client services, contact Minnillo Law Group Co., LPA. We provide free initial consultations and charge affordable, competitive rates. To schedule a free initial consultation with a bankruptcy lawyer at Minnillo Law Group, call 513-723-1600 or contact us online.

We have convenient offices in Cincinnati, Eastgate and Fairfield with free parking to serve you. Evening and weekend appointments are available.

We are a law firm and a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.
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